Effective Date: Feb 1 2017

The Open Access Website Security Policy is to be read with, and is subject to, the Open Access Website Terms of Use. 

Key and Password

For your protection, you must “login” to use the secure Sponsor or Member areas of the Site using your Key (your sponsor Code and your member ID) and password. This information should have been sent to you with your Welcome Package. Your password should be kept secret at all times because it is used to help verify your identity before you are permitted access to your accounts and information. If you are unable to provide the correct password, you will not be granted access.

Your Responsibility

It is your responsibility to keep your login information confidential and to prevent its unauthorized use. It is also strongly recommended that you change your password on a regular basis using the appropriate facility on the Site. For security reasons, it is also not advisable to have a password associated with your birth date, telephone number, address, social insurance number or anything else which could be obviously guessed.

Locking System

To prevent others from accessing your information by guessing your password, Open Access will lock your login after three (3) consecutive invalid login attempts. If this occurs, you should contact a Customer Service representative (Contact Us) to unlock your login.

Session Time-Out

Our systems are designed to automatically terminate a secure online session if extended inactivity is detected. If your session terminates, you will have to login again to continue your activities.

Other Precautions

You should not leave your computer unlocked while logged in a secure site.  You should always close your browser window after leaving the secure site.  You should disable the Auto-Complete or Memorized Password function.

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